We released an update for Live Mesh for Mac on March 4th that resolved a number of the Mac client crashing issues.Opening a Tree in FTM 2017 for Mac Merging Duplicate Individuals in FTM 1- for Mac Merging Duplicate Individuals in FTM 2008-2017 for Windows Downloading Source Images in FTM 2010-2017 Opening Old and Unsupported Files in FTM 2017 for Mac Deleting a Group of Individuals in Family Tree Maker 2010-2017 Finding Family Tree Maker Files in Windows Resetting Program Settings to Default in.I know there are several threads but I am so lost it isn't even funny. OpenOffice quit unexpectedly Mac OS Sierra.Following the link below, please restart your Mac in Safe Mode, then uninstall and reinstall Family Tree Maker and see if you are still experiencing issues. Starting your Mac in Safe Mode starts Mac OS X with a minimal set of programs and can help troubleshoot many issues.There are similar issues but they appear to be resolved by using electron-builder 21.2.0. The application quits with the message: quit unexpectedly. Mail app quit unexpectedly on Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite Mail app quit unexpectedly on Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite.